Overview of National Electric Coil
NEC's Total Generator Solution put's its comprehensive resources to work for your project!
Corporate Statistics
- Founded in 1917
- 37,000+ square meters (400,000 square feet) of service & manufacturing areas
- Independent ownership
Technical Capabilities
- Full-service engineering design supported by a proficient, well-trained workforce
- Equipment and facilities for all types of machine uprates, redesigns, alterations and repairs
- Capability to design replacement coils/bars based on surface geometry for:
- Any OEM, any unit size, type or make
- Stators:
- Conventionally-cooled (bars and multi-turn coils)
- Water-cooled and inner gas-cooled bars
- Rotors:
- Conventionally- and inner-cooled rotor windings
- Copper or aluminum
- On-going development of improved high-voltage insulation systems
Manufacturing Facilities
- Stator (Brownsville) and rotor (Columbus) windings:
- Any OEM, any unit size or type
- Fossil or hydro units
- 10,000+ annual coil/bar throughput
- CAD-based design-to-manufacture system
- ISO-9001:2008 quality management systems
- Specialized large machine design programs for designing and analyzing:
- Precise coil/bar fit, including end turn clearances
- End turn vibration support systems
Service Facilities & Resources
- On-site service facilities:
- Rotating Equipment Service Facility for rewinds and repairs, including high-speed balance pit with running electrical testing capabilities
- Service bays for transportable generators, exciters and high-voltage motors
- Facility for hydro rotor field and other salient rotor pole refurbishments and repairs
- Generator Services Group with skilled trade resources for both fossil and hydro generator units:
- Rewinds, winding and lamination repairs and rewedges
- Inspections & testing and general troubleshooting, including vibration issues